I have already written about the simple ways to avoid making decisions; now the sophisticated ways used by…
Six simple ways to avoid making a decision
These are the tactics used by managers that never make decisions. I call them no-decision managers. They are…
Subordinates go through two phases when they start working with a no-decision manager. The first encounter will be…
The first way to work in harmony and have some fun with a no-decision boss is to make…
Making decisions for the no-decision boss is not the only way to work in harmony with them. There…
If one can accept that no-decision managers exist in organisations, never making decisions, the next hurdle to overcome…
No-decision managers, a summary
Managers who never take decisions, I call ‘no-decision managers. They have not yet been written about in the…
Besides harming subordinates, toxic managers harm the organisations they work in. They incur hidden and indirect costs, competent…
I my previous article here on FP&A Trends, How do incompetent managers survive planning process, I explained how…